Haitian Voodoo: Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Bowers, M. K. (1961). Hypnotic aspects of Haitian voodoo. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 9(4), 269-282.

The author Bowers M.D. considers the many occasions that anthropologists have studied or attempted to study the act of hypnosis. Dr. Louis Mars of Haiti, a psychiatrist has attempted to study the phenomenon of the hypnotic aspects of Haitian Voodoo, like the state of trance achieved in a church setting during worship. Psychologists suggest it is a form of hysteria or schizophrenia and has much to do with the personality of the person becoming possessed. This is an interesting source in delving into hypnosis in Haitian Voodoo in comparison to other religions, and/or states of trace and its causes (ex. psychoactive drugs).

Corbett, B. (n.d.). Introduction to voodoo in Haiti. Haiti: Introduction to Voodoo. Retrieved March 14, 2014, from http://www2.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/voodoo/overview.htm

This article appears to be notes provided by an instructor to students studying world religion. It is primarily made of bullet points and lists of facts. This can be useful in getting to know a lot of general information about Haitian Voodoo, but there is no deep discussion on any of the topics. This can serve as a prompt for the research paper.

Geggus, D. (1991). Haitian voodoo in the Eighteenth Century: Language, culture, resistance. Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas, 28(1), 21-51.

Author David Geggus discusses the history of the slave trade and how certain occurrences in the late 1700s to middle 1800s impact the religious community of Haiti. There was minimal interest in Christianizing the rural black population of Haiti. This is a great source of history regarding how events in the late colonial period play into what we know today as modern Haitian culture.

Hagerty, B. (n.d.). Voodoo brings solace to grieving Haitians. NPR. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122770590

This is a short news article covering the situation in Haiti after an earthquake. In an interview, Erol Josue of New York talks about how traditional Haitian voodoo has helped many Haitians grieve and recover from this natural disaster. The article provides some useful insight into the reality of Voodoo. It also sheds a lot of light on many misunderstandings of Haitian families and culture. Josue claims Voodoo is alive and an active part of Haitian lives, there is just no light shined upon it. Josue shares with us that there is no unified Voodoo religion, or "Voodoo Pope", no center of authority or scripture to follow.

Haitian Voodoo. (n.d.). Haitian voodoo. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from http://sites.duke.edu/visionsofhaiti590/

In this article, the author gives us some insight into the origin of the word “Voodoo. It also provides a good amount of history/origins, as well as a modern look at the religion itself, and how Haitian Voodoo came about. This is a good source for the introduction to the research paper. It gives us a sense of where modern Voodoo derives from. It appears to be a blog post (Wordpress) by Duke University.

Haitian Vodou. (n.d.). Haitian consulate. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from http://www.haitianconsulate.org/vodou.html

This article provides a lot of information about Haitian Voodoo’s survival in the south and its connections to New Orleans. Its most useful component is a section on myths and misconceptions. Considering we all have a predetermined idea of Voodoo from American culture and media, some debunking of these stereotypes would be a great tool in the research paper; particularly the section on voodoo dolls, what most of us would think of when voodoo comes to mind. Though voodoo dolls are primarily not seen in Haitian Voodoo, dolls have been used in certain practices.

Mcgee, A. M. (2012). Haitian vodou and voodoo: Imagined religion and popular culture. Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 41(2), 231-256.

This article by Adam M McGee of Harvard University discusses the social issues plaguing Haiti. The author explains how the bad reputation of Vodou (Voodoo) has plagued the country and kept them in continued poverty. He continues by expressing how Vodou will continue to suffer if society associates it with racial anxieties and stereotypical misconceptions of Voodoo seen in media. This article provides a useful sociological side to aid the research paper.

Meyer, B. (n.d.). Emancipation: The Caribbean experience. Emancipation: The Caribbean Experience. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from http://scholar.library.miami.edu/emancipation/religion3.htm

This article better supports the idea that Voodooism is unstructured. The dispensing of slavery plays a large role in how Haitian Voodoo religion came to be. After the separation of certain African tribes, along with their individual beliefs, Haiti reshapes a new understanding of their religion which is still loosely structured, leaving a lot of room for personal spiritual growth.

Ream, M. (2005, April 29). Haitian voodoo: The possession of the spirits. The Ohio State University Lima. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from http://lima.osu.edu/academics/writing/WinningWorks/firstHaitian%20Voodo.htm

This article provides great insight into how Haitian Voodoo and Catholicism were weaved together over time. I especially found this to be a thoughtful piece of information, ‘The French tried to suppress this “pagan” religion, which they felt posed a threat to the colonial system”. It is interesting to see the uncertainty of what Voodoo is.

Snow, L. F. (1973). "I was born just exactly with the gift": An interview with a voodoo practitioner. The Journal of American Folklore, 86(341), 272-281.

In this journal article, the author conducts an interview with a Voodoo Practitioner and/or folk healer that serves low-income communities and people of many racial and religious backgrounds. In the article, natural and unnatural illnesses are discussed. Natural illness would be understood as any illness that has causative factors. Causes can include anything from failure to protect the body from bad weather to punishment for sinning. Unnatural illnesses, on the other hand, is about an individual’s place in society. This article can prove useful in understanding practices and rituals of healing and health from a folk healer’s point of view.