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Architecture reflects the evolving spirit of the culture of its space in time. The more revolutions of evolution a culture goes through the vaster ...

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One of the most noble, intelligent, and spiritually advanced minds of human history is Imhotep, the first pyramid builder from Egypt. Born in 2667 ...

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There are a variety of ways in which people choose to design and decorate the interior of their homes. Interior design is essentially a ...

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The history of modern architecture and its enduring legacy are due in large part to several influential architects working during the 19th and 20th ...

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Gothic art and architecture are often credited with beginning with Abbot Suger’s construction of St. Denis. According to Wren, Suger had two primary motivations: ...

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Written by Robin Lynn and Francis Morrone with photography by Edward A. Toran, Guide to New York City Urban Landscapes shares with the curious ...

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In the United States, the title architect and the practice of architecture are strictly regulated. Unlike many other licensed professions, there is an alternative ...

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The experience of architecture is a tactile amalgam of the senses. Our understanding of the way human consciousness organizes space and is organized by ...