An Annotated Bibliography on Charles Darwin

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Annotated Bibliography

Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man. 2nd ed. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1998. Print.

Appearing in print in 1871, this book continues to discuss the theories of evolution that Darwin's legacy started in The Origin of Species. The book investigates ways of human physical and mental development, differences between human races and natural and sexual selection. The book is part of the scientific canon and is useful for modern scientific research and for biographical research on Darwin.

Hooper, Rowan. "One minute with Charles Darwin." New Scientist 25 Nov. 2009: 29. Print.

This magazine article takes the form of a modern-day “interview” with Charles Darwin, using quotes from his original letters and work to form responses to questions posed by the interviewer and covers Darwin’s views on biology and human development. It is a light-hearted approach but also demonstrates how Darwin’s theories have stood the test of time.

Montgomery, Stephen, Emily Brown, Sarah Gardner, Katy Horder, Tyler Hung, Chris Hurley, Henry Li, Andrew Maddox, Ed Roberts, and Buyun Zhao. "Charles Darwin & Evolution." Charles Darwin & Evolution. The Darwin Society, 2009. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. <>.

This website is published by Christ’s College, Cambridge, Darwin’s alma mater and is funded by key scientific and biological organizations. It provides a simple and thorough overview of Darwin’s life, work and the significance of both, combining historic and modern evidence and case studies. While the website seems to be designed for and aimed at school children and their teachers, the content is deceptively well-researched and the links provoke further investigation.

Ruse, Michael. "Charles Darwin on Human Evolution." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 71.1 (2009): 10-19. Print.

This paper reveals Darwin’s interest in human evolution, as reflected in the Descent of Man. It discusses the scientist’s theories on the way humans think, the actions arising from these thoughts and draws a parallel between this and human physical evolution. Since the paper outlines the evolution of Darwin’s scientific investigation, it is helpful to read alongside the Descent of Man.

Wade, Nicholas. "Darwin, Ahead of His Time, Is Still Influential." The New York Times 9 Feb. 2009: n. pag. The New York Times. Web. 6 Dec. 2013.

This newspaper article discusses the significance of Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection but also charts historical opposition to it, asking why the science world was so slow to recognize Darwin’s advanced knowledge. The article explains the methods of Darwin’s biological investigations as well as his references to nonscientific matters, such as the moral thoughts of humans. The article highlights Darwin’s genius as well as his ways of thinking and is a reliable outline for further research.

Wakely, Elizabeth, and Jerome Carson. "Historical recovery heroes–Charles Darwin." Mental Health and Social Inclusion 2.15 (2011): 66-70. Print.

Wakely and Carson focus on Darwin’s health problems and their effect on his work. The article researches phases in Darwin’s life, including his childhood, career, and breakthroughs, as well as providing evidence for his recurring mental illness. The article includes references to Darwin’s own view of his health and its beneficial aspects to his scientific investigations. The article combines history, discourse analysis on God and Science, and psychology to provide a unique non-scientific discussion of Darwin the man.

Wilkins, A. S. "Charles Darwin: Genius or Plodder?" Genetics 183.3 (2009): 773-777. Print.

This journal article provides another point of view on Darwin’s brain functions and manner of working. It discusses, as the title suggests, whether Darwin was a genius in his field or whether his brilliant career was owing to long hours of hard work. Wilkins relies on literary and neurobiological viewpoints to discuss Darwin’s ways of thinking, as well as on scientific historic sources that outline Darwin’s thoughts on mundane life as well as his scientific work. Wilkins’ paper not only looks at Darwin’s work and life but also at what defines a “genius”, making it a unique discussion of the process behind Darwin’s work rather than just the results of it.