Tomorrow’s modern-day business leaders will be able to make vital decisions in an increasingly complex and global business environment. By cultivating and enhancing my educational opportunities through my pursuance of a Masters of Arts in Business Education at North Carolina A&T University, I will be able to compete in an increasingly demanding business field. Upon completion of my Master’s degree in Business Education, my career goal is to be a highly trained business teacher that can effectively and efficiently train tomorrow’s future business leaders. The acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills necessary for teaching business will enable me to train and develop employees for business thereby making a difference in the workforce within tomorrow’s business industry.
As I utilize the skill set and knowledge I will acquire during my graduate studies in business education, I will be able to implement innovative teaching in the classroom by incorporating creative leadership opportunities in the business sector. My research interest is to determine the ways in which I could help develop poverty-stricken communities through business education and organizational coaching. Underprivileged segments of the community often already have access to poor educational opportunities; however, by increasing their awareness of careers in the business industry the community will be able to overcome such disparities. My focus will be on small business owners since poverty-stricken communities often have a number of small corner stores that sell household goods including food, toiletries, batteries, and other common necessities. These small business owners will develop the skills and understanding to successfully implement such concepts in their business. Once these small businesses succeed the community which they serve will be able to understand the deeper correlation of integrating business education in poverty-stricken communities. I eagerly await the opportunity to be part of a dynamic graduate program in business education at North Carolina A&T University.
Capital Punishment and Vigilantism: A Historical Comparison
Pancreatic Cancer in the United States
The Long-term Effects of Environmental Toxicity
Audism: Occurrences within the Deaf Community
DSS Models in the Airline Industry
The Porter Diamond: A Study of the Silicon Valley
The Studied Microeconomics of Converting Farmland from Conventional to Organic Production