Strengths and Weaknesses of the Nations Hotel Coaching Model

The following sample Business article review is 426 words long, in APA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 444 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

The study of Nations Hotel (NHLO) coaching model (coaching for business impact) provides a detailed approach to measuring the return on investment (ROI) that their executive coaching program delivered. The program was successful in terms of improving hotel operations. The ROI target was exceeded by 25% (Phillips & Phillips, 2005, p.11). Additionally, “On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = unacceptable and 5 = exceptional), the average rating of five items (success metrics evaluated) was 4.1, exceeding the objective of 4.0” (Phillips & Phillips, 2005, p.11). With this in mind, the program’s strengths outweigh its weaknesses.

The major strength of the program is that all coaching is linked to business goals and can be measured by the process of data mining and what is gathered through auditable business reports. “As the business needs were identified, the measures must be in the categories of productivity, sales, efficiency, direct cost savings, employee retention, and customer satisfaction” (Phillips & Phillips, 2005, p.3). NHLO has correlating reports for each measure that are auditable and lend credibility to the results. Another strength of the coaching program is its utilization of checklists and action plans. Action plans involve “setting objectives which are achievable and measurable” (Woodcock, 2014 p.1). The NHLO plan attains this by using checklists to evaluate progress and results. “Along with establishing a need, the checklist revealed key areas where coaching could help. This step ensured that the assistance desired by the executive could actually be provided by the coach” (Phillips & Phillips, 2005, p.2).

The plan’s primary weakness is that there is some degree of subjectivity in the way the coaching is applied. Coaching is “considered to be an active learning process where the executive experiments, applies, and reflects on the experience. The coach provides input, reaction, assessment, and evaluation” (Phillips & Phillips, 2005, p.9). The coach’s technique is defined by the coach. Occasionally, it can be ineffective ad compromise efficient training. A participant in NHLO’s program noted: “We got stuck in a rut on one issue and I couldn’t get out. My coach was somewhat distracted and I never felt we were on the same page.” (Phillips & Phillips, 2005, p.12). Peer observation would be a useful tactic to assist a coach in using appropriate training methods.


Phillips, J. & Phillips, P. (2005) ROI at work: Best practice case studies from the real world Alexandria, VA, American Society for Training and Development. Retrieved March 16, 2014, from

Woodcock B. (2014) Action planning. Retrieved March 16, 2014, from