Gun Control Outline

The following sample Criminal Justice research proposal is 616 words long, in MLA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 609 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

1) Introduction

a) The United States is no stranger to gun violence. The country is divided between those who believe an increase in gun control laws would lower the number of violent crimes in our country, while others believe that a gun is the best protection an individual has against an assailant. The right to bear arms is an important principle in which this country was founded. However, since the 1700s technology has changed and so has the power a firearm holds. Should the second amendment gun control laws be reformed and include an increase in the requirements of being allowed gun ownership, such as needing permits or licensing, mental illness screenings and passing other screenings prior to being allowed the purchase of a firearm, this country would like to see less violence and death in its streets. 

2) Background

a) Mass shootings count for 1 in 500 violent crimes committed with a gun (Brent et al. 333). Among the other 499 include homicide, suicide and other unintentional deaths (Brent et al. 333). In 2010 more than 31,000 Americans died by gunfire (Brent et al. 333). In addition, the United States has more violent crimes committed with gunfire than any other high-income country in the world (Brent et al. 333). With this violent record it is important to address this issue, compare our current gun laws with those our allies and find what differences this country can make to decrease our current death toll. 

3) Supporting Evidence # 1

a) Studies show that having increased availability to a firearm is linked with an increase in gun-related suicide (Crifasi et al.). Lower suicide risks are proven to be associated with a requirement of a permit in order to purchase a gun (Crifasi et al.). 

4) Supporting Evidence # 2

a) Studies have also linked having a gun in the home with an increase in having a violent crime or accident committed in the household (Brent et al. 333). Studies have shown that when there is a fatal or non-fatal shooting in the household, home guns were 4x more likely to be involved in an accident, 7x more likely to be involved in a crime and 11x more likely to be involved in a suicide (Brent et al. 333).  

5) Supporting Evidence #3

a) Although the causation cannot be determined, it is a fact that states that have more gun owners also have a disproportionately larger number of firearm-related deaths. 

6) Counter Argument 

a) Many feels that if we impose stricter gun laws and limit access, this will not affect the criminal use of guns because criminals do not have regard for the law. However, with this logic, there is no use to having any laws at all. 

7) Sum up conclusion

a) Households and states alike with a higher quantity of guns also have a high quantity of fire-arms shot (Siegel et al. 2098). In addition, permits have been proven to decrease the amount of gun-assisted suicides. 

8) So what conclusion

a) The fewer guns in the circulation of our country, the fewer discharged firearms our country will face, and the studies previously mentioned have proved this.

Works Cited

Brent, David, et al. "Ending the Silence on Gun Violence." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 52, no. 4, 2014, pp. 333-338. 

Crifasi, Cassandra, et al. "Effects on Changing in Permit to Purchase Handgun Laws in Connecticut and Missouri on Suicide Rates." Preventative Medicine, vol. 79,

Siegel, Michael, et al. "The relationship between gun ownership and firearm homicide rates in the United States, 1981–2010." American Journal of Public Health, vol. 103, no. 11, 2013, pp. 2098-2105.