American families
At the peak of the housing boom, mortgage packages reached every racial and ethnic group, income level, and geographic area in America
Family incomes dropped severely
Rise in poverty levels
Many people without health insurance, including children
61% of people who bought packages from Wall Street had good credit scores
Market Crash
Triggered by collapse of enormous credit and the housing bubble collapse
Crash of 8 trillion dollar housing market
Between 2007 and 2010, median value of America’s homes fell 42%
By May 2012, 31.4% of homeowners with mortgages owed more money on their houses than the house was actually worth
Those with good credit scores tried to refinance with subprime loans in order to take more cash out of their houses than a regular mortgage would allow
Subprime mortgages carried more interest, but required no initial payments
Many planned to refinance again before their monthly payments got too high or sell for a high profit
Too unpredictable, didn’t really work
Collapse of stock market
Destroyed 18.9 trillion in household wealth total
Between October 2007 and March 2009 plunged 57%
12 years of gains lost in 17 months
Extremely severe job loss coupled with very sluggish recovery
Led to sharp cutbacks in consumer spending
Loss of consumption with chaos in financial market led to collapse in business development
Massive job loss
In 2008 and 2009, labor market lost 8.4 million jobs, 6.1% all payroll employment
Most dramatic employment contraction since the Great Depression
After technical end of recession in summer 2009, still not enough growth to create enough jobs to keep pace with normal population growth or to even replace jobs lost
October 2010, 16 months after official end, still 5.4% fewer jobs that before recession
All ethnic, racial, income, and geographical groups in the United States, all businesses affected because even if they weren’t directly involved, consumer cutbacks threatened the livelihood of their business
The Great Recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009
More focus on managing financial wealth than on production of commodities
Started in 1980s, encouragement from economic discipline and the government
Economists told people that markets were rational and efficient
Government responded with less regulated financial industry and a more hands-off approach to economic policy
Unequal distribution of income
If wealth is distributed evenly, more consumer spending
Banks made money selling loans to Wall Street
Wall Street packaged the loans into asset-backed securities and sold to private investors
To feed the system, mortgage lenders marketed high-risk subprime loans
Little regard to how customer will pay for them
Capital Punishment and Vigilantism: A Historical Comparison
Pancreatic Cancer in the United States
The Long-term Effects of Environmental Toxicity
Audism: Occurrences within the Deaf Community
DSS Models in the Airline Industry
The Porter Diamond: A Study of the Silicon Valley
The Studied Microeconomics of Converting Farmland from Conventional to Organic Production