

Explore and download free Education writing samples/examples like essays, term papers, book reports, and research papers.

Education is a complex challenging field in that it constantly struggles between new ideas and classic concepts. The stakes are always high when it comes to dealing with children. Writer Tools gives you access to free essays and research papers within the field of Education. Because you are likely doing research for your own paper, we have included the full text and works cited for every document. All you have to do is download the document and it's yours to use for research purposes.

Most of the free Education papers we offer are written in APA format. APA format is the standard citation style created by the American Psychological Association. This format includes citations in the References format at the end of the paper and author-date citations throughout the text.

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

Chapter 1: Study’s Parameters of Examination The administrative practice of placing certain individuals of ethnic subgroups in advanced placement courses is a controversial debate topic. ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

The lesson I chose to record was the five-step approach to addition and subtraction word problems in my fourth-grade class. This was the second ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

Research indicates that Advanced Placement (AP) courses provide a track toward college in which students improve critical thinking skills, time management, and exam taking ...

Details → 966 hits · 0 downloads

Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

My philosophy on medicine has evolved, and I believe the evolution is in a way that is very positive, enabling me to conceptualize the ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

Throughout American history, education and public education in particular has been one of the most debated issues in the public venue.  It was decided ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

I think my teaching most matches the Essentialist educational philosophy as outlined by people like William Bagley, James D. Koerner, H. G. Rickover, Paul ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

There are a multitude of reasons why I seek to enroll in dental school, yet none may be more meaningful than to simply help ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

Special education researchers consistently argue that students with learning challenges and disabilities such as autism benefit significantly from inclusion. Perhaps most importantly, studies support ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

Since the inception of the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE), published examination results have sparked significant public debate about the nation’s D ...

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Details → Type · 908 words · MLA format · Master level

Subject(s): Math  Topic/unit of Study & time allotment: Properties of multiplication and division Grade/Level: 4th Model of Instruction: Direct instruction  Resources: Anchor charts and communicators Materials and resources: Anchor ...