Boarding School v. Day School

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A common debate amongst parents includes the decision to send their children to either boarding school or day school. While there are positive and negative aspects to each, research has proven boarding school to be the most beneficial choice for child development and growth. It is critical for parents to have the ability to make an informed decision when choosing the best educational institution for their children. As such, boarding schools offer superior advantages over day schools including continuous development, an abundance of opportunities, a plethora of socialization, enhanced relationships, and independence, and improved daily structure.

Moreover, each boarding school builds on the foundation of an environment where students may flourish in culture, learning, friendships, arts, athletics, education, etc. (Waldron par.1). Since children attending boarding school are at the establishment around the clock, research has proved these particular students to succeed at copiously higher rates than those attending day school. With that, boarding school students are more likely to advance faster later in life through relationships and careers. Additionally, these students are more likely to pursue advanced degree post-graduation as well.

Such advances as the student ages correlate directly with around-the-clock educational and developmental tools. The fact is boarding school children are constantly within an educational environment regardless if they are inside or outside of the classroom. For example, boarding schools often upkeep strict regulations regarding homework and studying, therefore, students have designated time slots to complete this work. In that way, parents of boarding school children are ensured that their children are completing assignments as given to them including learning life skills of time management and discipline. These benefits exceed even day schools that opt for an extended calendar year.

As development is cultivated, students have extensive extra-curricular opportunities as well, that are not necessarily available when attending a day school. Here, boarding schools recognize the importance of keeping children busy as a key component to their physical and mental health. Furthermore, developing non-academic skills valuable to real life experiences is imperative as an extension to boarding school curriculum. Thus, boarding school defeat day schools in preparing children for independence and success once they have completed their educational obligations and enter the workforce.

Not to mention, boarding school students are kept busy with the intention to continuously have the children engaged in positive and developmental activities rather than left to his or her own devices, which has the potential to lead to negative activities. Now, it is important to mention that a busy and potentially strict lifestyle through boarding school does not mean children are barred from a proper social life. In fact, these students often have greater social lives to those attending day school because boarding school children live with their peers. Thus, boarding school offers an inclusive environment where children are able to socialize with a variety of peers in and out of the classroom. This is an important advantage to boarding as it motivates and empowers children to interact with others frequently, including evolving their skills to interact effectively with different students.

Furthermore, parents tend to adopt the idea that sending their children to boarding school automatically creates a divide in the family relationships. However, contrary to popular assumption, findings show that the quality and closeness of family relationships improve when a child goes to boarding school. There are several reasons as to why this phenomenon occurs. First, children that see their family less often tend to appreciate the time together more. Thus, family time is of a higher quality with improved communication, attentiveness, and care. Additionally, family tension diminishes when the child is away and then not subject to overhearing or becoming involved in familial problems, such as financial or occupational issues.

A primary component to boarding school that is lacking in day school involves the child developing independence and self-reliance. At a closer look, boarding school provides the child with the opportunity of learning how to function away from home. This aspect is a critical life skill when transitioning out of grade school and into the workplace and/or university. Evidently, independence and self-reliance foster the opportunity for improved quality of life in the individual's twenties and thirties as opposed to day school children that may not have the same experiences.

Another pertinent benefit to sending children to boarding school involves a clear daily structure. Besides education, which has been established without the need for daily run school in most modern boarding schools, students are able to spend his or her time involved in music, sports, additional studying, etc. Perhaps, again for parents is more flexibility in their day without the need to drive children to and from school and extracurricular activities. Moreover, boarding school is not without its disadvantages.

As compared to day school, boarding school costs significantly more, which might not be a feasible option for all families. Additionally, families do miss the opportunity to visit with their children each night including fundamental activities such as bedtime routines or helping with homework. Then, day school is generally a much more cost effective option, or completely free depending on location; however, parents must consider rising costs in food, gas, and activities.

Furthermore, boarding school offers an abundance of opportunities and options for children. Here, students may take part in smaller classroom sizes for more individualized learning and create strong friendships that last throughout schooling years. Boarding school students are held to a high account with challenging academics. Similar expectations are neglected in day schools and teachers are not available to students on such an extensive level (Waldron par. 5).

Ultimately, it is to the parents regard whether or not their children attend boarding school. As depicted here, there are several pros and cons to this type of schooling, but it is still a personal decision depending on family circumstances, the child, and general beliefs. Notably, it is important for parents to consider their child’s opinion when discussing the possibility of boarding school over day school. Also, there is a variety of boarding schools for families to choose from including, but not limited to: college preparation, therapeutic, military, religious, same gender, and mixed genders (“Advantages of Boarding School” par. 2).

In conclusion, the boarding school education system was established decades ago and serves as an extremely competent option for children’s education. Moreover, boarding school creates a friendly environment filled with motivation, engagements, and well-rounded development. Student outcomes are said to be much higher than those who attended day school. However, the discretion of parents is the best determinant of the right choice for their children. Finally, it is important that families conduct research to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of all schooling options prior to deciding where to send their children.

Works Cited

“Advantages of Boarding School.” Marine Military Academy Blog, 2019, Accessed 24 Dec. 2019.

Waldron, Helen. “Why Your Child Should Attend Boarding School.” Forbes Magazine, 12 Apr. 2017, Accessed 24 Dec. 2019.