To provide a framework for you to:
a. Develop your philosophy and leadership style;
b. Get off to a smooth start and successful first year;
c. Communicate your beliefs and plans to administration and parents with a communication plan;
d. Organize yourself and ideas for organization, management and discipline;
e. Familiarize yourself with key school- and district-wide policies
Section 1- General Philosophy
Section 2- Preventative Measures
Structuring the Classroom space (map with rationale)
Daily Schedule, Routines, and Procedures
Daily Routine (Beginning and ending of the day)
Transitions and Interruptions
Use of Materials and Equipment
Student Collaboration
Seat work and Teacher-led Activities
Rules or Norms of Behavior
Classroom Behavior
First Steps – Structure, Proximity, and Redirecting
Student Accountability
Home-School Communication Philosophy and Plan
Cultural Considerations with Discipline
Legal Issues Regarding Students with Special Needs
Hierarchy of Interventions
Strategies for Building Relationships
Techniques to Break the Cycle of Discouragement
Identifying Needs
Referral Process
Student Needs Network
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Dress Code
Objectionable Materials/Prohibited Items
Locker Searches
Cell Phone Use
Hazing, Harassment, and/or Bullying Policies: Sexual Harassment
Cheating, Plagiarism and/or Forgery Policies
The map below expresses my style of teaching and my belief that students should be able to work independently, collaborate in groups and have easy access to classroom materials. The environment should feel safe and build a sense of community through layout and interactivity and the round tables promote this. For classrooms that do not have round tables, “pods” or groups of 4 student desks can also be used. The room also facilitates teacher movement around the classroom so there is no real “back of the room” where students may feel removed from the community.
Daily routines may change as different needs arise for school events and computer lab time; however, there are general routines that students will become familiar with. Routines help students feel comfortable as they know what to expect out of their day.
8:00-8:30 Fast Math
8:30-9:30 History
9:30-10:00 Spelling Activities and Vocabulary Practice
10:00-10:20 Recess
10:20-11:15 English
11:15-12:15 Science
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:20 Silent or Group Reading
1:20-2:00 Fast Math
2:00-3:00 Reading Comprehension
3:00-3:15 Classroom Clean up and Dismissal
Fast Math
Taking attendance and flag salute
Homework submission
Individual attention for struggling readers during silent reading
Classroom clean up
Restroom breaks
Preparation for leaving classroom for recess, lunch, and dismissal
Computer lab time and resource center time
Drills and assemblies
Lining up to enter and leave the classroom
Lunch and recess time
Rainy day procedures
Access to workbooks, supplies, and textbooks
Organizing student spaces
Handing out materials and have students get their materials
Expected behavior for collaboration and discussions
Protocols for different activities (Think-Pair-Share, Reading Detective, etc.)
Goals and outcomes from collaboration
Getting the teacher’s attention
Talking and participation
Attention strategies
Student response (response cards, whiteboards, etc.)
Out-of-seat policy
Classroom rules are addressed the first day of school so that students understand immediately what is expected of them when they enter the classroom. The structure helps the students feel comfortable but they need re-iteration of the norms daily through the first two weeks and will be reviewed when students need the reminder. Consistency is of absolute importance since structure requires reinforcement to work. Students will generally conform to norms that are consistent with creating a caring and helpful environment that also allows collaboration and increases growth in student interpersonal skills.
Come to school every day ready to learn and work together
Listen and follow the teacher’s (or other adult’s) directions carefully
Know when to ask for help
Be kind, considerate, and thoughtful in all the decisions that you make
Make eye contact and shake of the head to avoid distracting the entire class
Proximity- Approach student and make non-verbal expression (tap desk lightly to refocus student on work make strong eye contact)
Verbally remind student to stay on task quietly
Tell student the expected behavior
Create an environment that is safe and where students feel respected while still clearly stating and ensuring that students follow rules.
Create and maintain clear expectations of behavior- students are less likely to break rules if they are consistently followed and expected
Use non-threatening techniques when students do not follow behavior rules
Praise the students for proper behavior
Students who break the rules may lose privileges or incentives. However, the incentives will be non-competitive and incentives will be non-material.
First table to line up for recess or lunch
Teacher conferences for misbehavior at recess or lunch time
Recognize verbally to students and to parents when a student is doing something well
In severe cases, remove supplies from student (for aggressive behavior with scissors, etc.)
Students are responsible for their actions and repercussions for misbehavior will be consistent and fair. Students are quick to notice when they get in trouble for a behavior that was accepted from another student and this may make students feel the classroom environment is not fair.
Philosophy and Plan for Communicating with Home
Parents/Guardians will be contacted within the first two weeks of school and alerted to the different resources available to them (school and class websites)
Each parent/guardian will be surveyed to find out the best way to contact them
Occasional calls home, for positive or troubling behavior
Maintain online calendar or website with class information
Students come from a diverse background with many different discipline philosophies from home. While cultural differences will be taken into consideration there are also some rules that are required such as collaborating and following basic classroom rules that pertain to instruction and student safety.
Students work effectively with students from different cultural backgrounds
Treating each other with respect
No bullying
Resolving conflict and knowing when to ask for an adult’s help
Teacher and parent awareness of resources available for student needs is vital for student success. No student should be without someone to advocate for them.
Special Needs Network: Collection of legal and support resources for parents, educators, administrators, and students. (
FERPA: Contains the legal information regarding educational rights for students and their families as well as the legal ramifications that may come into play if the rights are not followed. (
National Center for Learning Disabilities: Provides information regarding the rights and protections that school districts are required to offer in a plain and straight forward style of special education. (
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