Research Problem: Because of globalization, students have a greater incentive to leave the Korean education system. This is caused by Korea’s inability to adapt and remain competitive in a global landscape of educational opportunity where students and parents have more choices than ever.
Discipline: Foreign Relations and Globalization, Education, Sociology, Foreign Relations, Domestic Policy
Main Claim: As students from Korea have chosen to pursue their education outside of the country, talented people and domestic jobs were lost. This is a growing problem that is caused by the weak educational system and the opportunities that globalization has presented. This can be combated if Korea works towards making their native educational system more robust competitive against other nations. This requires investment, time, and understanding of foreign relations; otherwise, the trend will just continue.
a. What is wrong with Korea’s educational system?
b. The nature of globalization and how governments react to it (background)
c. South Korea’s inability to adapt quickly enough in the 20th century (problem)
d. The implication is that Korea’s educational system has lacked behind (why it’s important)
e. What Korean parents are doing and why they place emphasis on education
a. How Koreans have reacted to this (sending their kids to schools out of the country)
i. Parents influence children’s school choice
b. Negative impact on students in terms of pressure to succeed
i. Being away from home/family
ii. Culture shock
c. Students accommodate and learn English (and western cultural values)
i. Study abroad rates have increased
ii. Built networks of smaller communities
d. Distrust in the government in terms of meeting educational needs
i. Lowered value of Korean school system
ii. Caused mistrust towards other government services
a. The inevitability of a more globalized world
b. The problem of education in Korea
c. Need for a competitive, native, educational system in Korea
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