Reflecting on my first six months as a research scholar at Delhi University, the feeling that lingers at the forefront of my recollections is empowerment. Learning how to maximize research tools and organize and recognize the elements of academic rigor has enabled the beginning of my evolution as a researcher and allowed me to emerge empowered and capable. Having always cultivated a love of learning, I now feel confident in my ability to delve into a research subject or question knowing that the process of scholarly inquiry will lead me to extant research and inform the process enabling my synthesis of new thought. I respect that scholars acknowledge the unknown in their research, thus providing a sense of continuity to the academic discussion of humanity and temporary succor to the unquenchable desire to discover all that is discernable. I once felt overwhelmed and somewhat resentful of the speed and largess of the Internet; I now feel empowered and able to navigate this ever-growing portal of knowledge.
Beginning my journey as a research scholar in this department has been akin to the caterpillar’s time in the chrysalis; the resulting metamorphosis of which has left me inexorably transformed. The process of making myself aware of the best evidenced-based practices within any given topic helps me believe that the problems faced by humanity can be solved through concerted effort. Knowledge truly is power, and I am encouraged by the evidence found that the academic discussion is beginning to delve into alternative areas that were once deemed unscientific. I have observed that many scholars are expanding the reach of their language to include more diverse disciplines, inviting complex discussion and new approaches. I am sure that as I continue my journey and grow as a researcher the epiphanies I encounter will be marvelous and enlightening.
I have been so supported and encouraged by my wonderful professors and have made many friends through this experience thus far; I can only imagine the depth of the relationships that I have yet to build. I believe that we have the intelligence and capacity to answer the questions that drive us, and to solve the problems imposing undue limitations on the human experience. I will continue my investment as a research scholar, expanding my knowledge base and specialties as my own personal rigor and strength as a researcher grows. The light of knowledge will continue to expand as more people around the world are exposed to the academic process and create new ways of contributing.
Capital Punishment and Vigilantism: A Historical Comparison
Pancreatic Cancer in the United States
The Long-term Effects of Environmental Toxicity
Audism: Occurrences within the Deaf Community
DSS Models in the Airline Industry
The Porter Diamond: A Study of the Silicon Valley
The Studied Microeconomics of Converting Farmland from Conventional to Organic Production