Sex, Lies, and Videotape

The following sample Film movie review is 347 words long, in CMS format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 334 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

The film Sex, Lies, and Videotape highlights the different ways sex, intimacy, and relationships shape our lives, and how our approach to interpersonal relationships can deeply affect our lives. This movie is more script driven than visually driven, in the sense that the interactions between the characters are very much centered around their verbal interaction. This is not to say that their body language is not important, just that the script is a more important factor in the way their relationships are portrayed.

One of the most important aspects of the film is its portrayal of the many different ways of experiencing intimacy, and the many ways that intimacy can affect us. For example, Ann’s perception of the role of sex in relationships is that it isn’t a very important factor and that communication and empathy should be the most important aspect of a relationship. This is in contrast to John, who values sex very highly, but doesn’t care so much for shared talking styles or honest verbal interaction with his intimate partners. Another important aspect of the movie is the way videotaping is used to explore the deep relationships between the characters. Through the filming process between Graham and Ann, the audience finally gets some insight into the enigma of Graham and finally sees Ann embracing sexuality.

The overall message of the movie is conveyed through the way that the culmination of interactions between the characters ultimately shapes their relationships. Ann, who is essentially blameless throughout the entire film, forgives her sister, as shown through her gift of the plant to Cynthia, and it is hinted that she and Graham begin a tender love-connection at the end. Graham seems to finally get over his hang-up about Elizabeth, and John gets his desserts by losing the big case he was working on, getting embarrassed in front of his client, and getting in trouble with his boss. The film ends with rain coming down on Graham and Ann, symbolizing a cleansing and a re-birth after the tangle of the lies and confusion between all involved.