How Sleep Affects the Body

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Across all ages, genders, races and individual differences, there are certain human demands that unavoidably link human beings to one another. One of the clearest human demands that people share are the same fundamental requisites for maintaining a basic standard of health and ensuring that people survive. All human beings must eat, drink water and perform other basic bodily functions so that their body can continue to remain in a functional, working order. One of the most important basic functions, that cannot be ignored or put off for too long, is sleep. As an act, sleep works to give human beings and their bodies a necessary opportunity to replenish their strength, energy and health, including physical, mental and psychological health. Sleep is overwhelmingly positive and necessary; however, it is important to note that there is a possibility that people can get too much sleep or that sleep can be detrimental to a person as well. Identifying all the different effects that sleep can have on the human body is an important part of understanding how it affects people’s lives in both positive and negative ways.

In order to understand the full extent of the effects that sleep can have on a person it is necessary to begin by identifying the positive effects that sleep can have. This is because sleep is unavoidably necessary for all human beings, as it acts as a form of physical and mental replenishment that allows people to function. When people fall into deep REM cycles and sleep for the night, they are allowing their bodies and minds to take a break from the work that they have been doing throughout the day. During this time, the body is able to heal itself, including repairing damaged cells, work on boosting and supporting the immune system and improve overall brain function in people. By making time for an appropriate amount of sleep every night, people are able to create noticeably physical, mental and psychological improvements to themselves, as they are actively taking a role in giving themselves the time they need to improve. Some practical examples of the effects of healthy amounts of sleep include improved concentration, learning and memory functions, positive changes in weight and metabolism, less diseases and better overall mood and outlook on the world. Sleep helps to regulate many of the issues that people face every day.

While sleep is incredibly important to maintaining a healthy human body and mind, it is important to note that there always exists a possibility that a person can get too much sleep. Too much sleep, otherwise referred to as oversleeping, has been linked to issues like physical pain, cardiovascular issues, weight gain, mental health issues like depression and impaired brain function and concentration. Equally as detrimental as oversleeping, however, is not receiving enough sleep, as this can also adversely affect individual health. People who consistently deprive their bodies of sufficient sleep regularly find that they are increasingly irritable, they lack concentration, they face issues like high blood pressure, and personal decision-making skills are seriously hampered. A lack of sleep can leave an individual at a significant disadvantage compared to people around them, particularly in environments when they need to perform or present something important. Lack of sleep can negatively impact job performance, demonstrations, sports and more, making it important to always prioritize the correct amount of sleep per night.

Sleep is an incredibly important human necessity to consider because although it can be second nature to some it has an incredibly wide range of effects on people. A healthy amount of sleep allows people to be functional, focused and effective in their daily activities and tasks. By maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, people are able to see a noticeable change in their physical, mental and psychological health. Failure to obtain a proper amount of sleep, however, can result in opposite effects, with some severe presentations including depression and health issues like high blood pressure. Ultimately, sleep affects the body by impacting how people are able to function.