I would be able to bring to the internship extensive work experience and knowledge in the field of public health both international and domestic. Since 2006 I have had the opportunity to work within a variety of healthcare fields such as obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, and pediatrics. This wide array of experience has not only increased my knowledge but has also made me a diverse individual who is able to work in any setting. I also have the unique insight of having worked outside of the United States as this has taught me the nursing strategy of cultural competency. In doing so, I'll be able to work with a diverse population. I am a hard worker who strives for success in any field I work within. I achieved the honor of being the 6th highest achieving student within medical school.
I hope to be able to continue the success I have achieved through an opportunity within the internship. I would like to gain the skills needed to continue to build my repertoire within the field of public health. I hope to gain some more knowledge in the field of internal medicine which I have been studying since 2011. I also would like to work with mentors who are prominent within the field of public health so that they can guide me in my career and help me to promote social justice through public health. Through working with the experienced staff in the organization I want to be able to define my career path and goals.
As I am continuing to develop my career goals, I hope that the internship will provide me with the opportunity to specifically define my goals. At the moment I am interested in pursuing a career in hospital administration. Adding the knowledge that I will gain from the internship to my repertoire will provide me with the skill level needed to be able to efficiently manage hospital staff who work within a variety of fields. I hope that you will take me into consideration as an applicant for the internship position. I would want the agency to gain from me as much as I know I will gain from the internship.
Capital Punishment and Vigilantism: A Historical Comparison
Pancreatic Cancer in the United States
The Long-term Effects of Environmental Toxicity
Audism: Occurrences within the Deaf Community
DSS Models in the Airline Industry
The Porter Diamond: A Study of the Silicon Valley
The Studied Microeconomics of Converting Farmland from Conventional to Organic Production