The target market we chose is that of elderly patients with chronic hypertension. This is an important decision, as this age group needs additional support with this condition. Being portable means patients would not have to be stuck in only one place. Similar to a smartwatch, the wearable design offers flexibility in its movement. There are many benefits to consider with the monitoring system for the elderly demographic. Cost is a huge concern when it comes to elderly patients. Healthcare is important, so offering the product at an affordable rate is key. It is flexible and can be worn almost anywhere, anytime. The system would ideally send health data and updates to caregivers or healthcare providers. This product would address many problems, but some potential gaps should be considered. The benefits include the ability to check health stats such as blood pressure at any time. This is ideal for dementia patients or patients with similar conditions. Someone else could monitor them without having to be by their side all of the time. Having a co-user builds a support system, and helps convenience caregivers. The design of the smartwatch can be difficult to navigate for many elderly patients, so building something user-friendly at an affordable cost is key.
(Full PowerPoint Presentation omitted for preview. Available via download).
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