Metadata: ‘Data about Data’ in US Counter-terrorism

The following sample Information Technology PowerPoint presentation is 2548 words long, in APA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 405 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.


Briefly introduce each: Guiding Question: Topic you were interested in. Literature Review: Divided into three sections – Metadata, Regulatory frameworks, and Counterterror efforts. Your interest was in how each of these intersected and right to privacy implications. Research Methodology: How you approached this topic and what sources you drew upon. Data Analysis: Trends or points of interest you drew from the literature review. Conclusions: Your conclusions based on the literature review and data analysis.

What is Metadata

Metadata is used to locate the proverbial “needle in the haystack” or referred to as “data about data” for all devices connected to the internet, including phone calls, emails, Facebook account, Google searches.

(Full PowerPoint Presentation and references omitted for preview. Available via download)