Child Custody

The following sample Law case study is 1232 words long, in unknown format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 387 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

Divorces and separations are always difficult, especially when a couple has children. However, couples must commit themselves to their children. I feel like my daughter Adilyn is in danger as she is under her mother’s care, so I am asking for full custody in order to protect my child’s welfare. 

Adilyn has a rare skin disorder called Urticaria Pigmentosa form of cutaneous Mastocytosis. She is treated at The University of Mississippi Medical Center by Dr. Ray J. Rodriguez, MD.  Urticaria Pigmentosa is characterized by excessive amounts of mast cell causing reddish brown spots on the skin. As an illustration, this is my daughter’s back and the severity of her condition: 

Sun, heat, rubbing or scratching the skin can trigger the condition causing hives, itching, irritation, trouble breathing, or death. Sometimes, the symptoms are mild, such as flushing of the skin, or moderate, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, and fainting, and they do not does require medical treatment. However, Adilyn’s skin disorder is life threatening and may require vascular collapse requiring emergency room treatment and hospitalization. 

This is a serious condition that requires constant care. For example, in case of an emergency, such as an allergic reaction or difficulty in breathing, an EpiPen kit must be available at all times. Currently, she is prescribed Zyrtec once a day to prevent the release of histamines that cause an allergic reaction. Zyrtec controls the itching and irritation from physical stimuli such as excessive playing, sun, heat, and friction.

Unfortunately, I have discovered that Amber Rone, Adilyn’s mother, doesn’t provide the medical attention that is needed for my child’s well-being. As an example, Amber left Adilyn’s Zyrtec out, and it had to be thrown away due to heat and sun damage. I asked Amber about the medication and she replied: “ Medicine is used too much on kids.”

Furthermore, on May 6th 2013 Adilyn was prescribed an antibiotic, and it was ready the same day. However, Amber ignored the doctor’s order, and she called my Mother one week later to ask her if she would pick the Adilyn’s medicine up from the clinic because Adilyn was ill. Nevertheless, after a few weeks, Amber stopped Adilyn’s medication again. It was no longer in Adilyn’s diaper bag, so I asked Amber where it was, and she replied: “I threw the bottle away because it turned green. “As the bottle’s instructions stated, the antibiotic needed to be refrigerated.  Moreover, Amber also said she doesn’t “believe in keeping children on antibiotics”, even if it's for something as severe as an ear infection

As another example of Amber’s neglect, I called Anderson’s Pharmacy on June 7th 2013,  I called Anderson’s pharmacy to confirm that the medication was picked up after it was filled.  According to an employee the medication was filled and ready for pick up eleven days prior to June 7th.  Because it was 18 days later, the pharmacy’s record established that Adilyn’s Mother Amber is not giving her the medicine correctly. WITNESS: Employee at Anderson’s

I also have another health concern. Every time Adilyn spends consecutive days with her mother, she has a runny nose. After a few weeks, I took Adilyn to Carrolton Clinic, and Karen, the nurse practitioner, explained to me that cigarette smoke is the major cause of children’s runny noses. Karen proceeded to explain that it would be beneficial for Adilyn to have an allergy test so that she may obtain allergy relief if that's what the diagnosis is. After the appointment, I informed Amber about the nurse’s and she replied through text:

Amber’s Text Message “Y'all do know that allergy tests are painful & involve risks...they have to prick her with needles that subject her to the allergy to see how she reacts to would be very bad with her bumps. Could cause swelling, rash, itching, infection, bleeding...we are not putting her thru that right now. The runny nose & cough will probably go away once the pollen chills out or she'll be like me & brad & always have snot” 

As another illustration, on Saturday June 22, 2013, Adilyn had a bad cough, so I wanted to take her to the emergency room but Amber had told me in the past that I had to notify her 24 hours in advance before I took my daughter to an emergency room or a doctor. However, on June 23, 2013 my child is still sick. Instead of taking her to the doctor, Amber informed my Mother that she was to taking Adilyn to her boyfriend’s family reunion. Incidentally, Amber and I have no communication at this point except through my Mother. My mother texted Amber and asked: “Amber, Do u still want to take Addie. She has an awful cough” 

Amber’s Reply: “Yes his papa is 80 & ain't gonna be around much longer & keeps asking about her & wants to see her. Nothing we will be doing will be anything different from her sitting there with y'all. We'll be in an air conditioned room & if she gets bad we can leave. We're only staying an hour or 2 anyway”

Amber takes Adilyn to the reunion later, but at 2:00am on June, 24, 2013, Adilyn is rushed to the ER because she is continuously gagging and coughing. This could have been avoided. It turned out that Adilyn had a Respiratory Infection. 

Amber’s Text Message: “Yes I took her to ER at 2 am. Her flem was getting hung & making her gag. She has an upper respiratory infection...I've been having that every few months my whole life. Usually breathing all the pollen & stuff causes it. I'm home with her & were getting medicine now”

Since then, Amber has let me see my daughter since the papers were served, but it was only because my daughter got sick and has not been allowed to go back to daycare because of her fever and respiratory infection. I was able to take care of Adilyn for a week, and I noticed the fever getting worse. Even though Amber requested for me not to take Adilyn to the doctor, I rushed her to the clinic and she was diagnosed with a yeast infection, ear infection, and upper respiratory infection. I fear if it were up to Amber, Adilyn would have never been taken in. After I returned my daughter to Amber, I have been concerned about her health. Also, I’m concerned about my daughter’s hygiene. I have to cut my daughter’s nails. If I am unable to cut them, they end up looking like the picture. 

Furthermore, I have called and texted Amber, but she has not called or texted me to let me know how my daughter is doing.  After eight months, Amber’s lack of communication and pattern has gotten worse. I am now unable to see my daughter at all unless she’s sick or Amber needs a babysitter.

I’m a stable father who loves his daughter, and I want to see my daughter every day and night. If she lived with me permanently, Adilyn would have a healthy home and her own room. 

She has her own room now at my mother’s and my house. It is my mission to keep my daughter safe and happy. In light of the current situation, I think it is imperative that I have full custody in order to protect her welfare. I can provide further text evidence that demonstrates Amber’s inability to take care of our child.