After completing the management style assessment, the results showed that the subject was closely oriented towards the ESTJ and ENTJ personality type association according to the MBTI personality types. This means that they tend to be very straight forward, organized and a natural leader. Generally, this subject is also fairly loyal and focused on completing tasks in a group environment. As far as leadership is concerned, the subject is well equipped with the right traits in order to assume positions that require leading others. According to the assessment, the subject is extremely extraverted and has few issues speaking up, being assertive and making sure that their voice is heard. This is effective in an organizational environment because it enables leaders to make quicker decisions while still being able to be a strong communicator towards others.
A few challenges that the subject faced are that they tend to be somewhat inflexible and focused on being organized too much. While these are great attributes for being a high-level manager or team leader, these traits are not effective in many forms of creative work. Because the subject also scored evenly on the thinking and feeling traits, this person may be somewhat indecisive when dealing with people-related decisions. For team leaders, this can be a serious challenge. Many human resources-related positions require a very objective standard of characteristics in order to be able to execute the job properly.
The subject’s job of being a home care service provider owner for elderly people is also important to consider. Most business owners have to share specific traits that make them good at their job. Firstly, in accordance with evidence-based management, being organized is a critical aspect of operating a successful business. Because the subject scored highly in most areas where organization skills were measured, the subject would most likely be a good fit. Also, the subject’s extraversion is generally a very strong trait to have. For example, when elderly people need care, a positive environment of life and energy is most likely a great boost to not only the patients but also other employees. This type of behavior has the capacity to really make a significant impact on the whole organization. The same falls true for the trait of being decisive and judgmental as opposed to being perceiving. This individual is a great fit for the job of a home care owner because tough decisions can be made rather quickly, even if they are not pleasant to make.
However, the most important relevant trait that the subject had was having an even mix of thinking and feeling. While it is important to utilize cold logic and reasoning when dealing with problems, dealing with human life is an added complexity. That is, when a business has to deal with the livelihood, happiness, and lifestyle of others, having a leader who has compassion is a very important trait. The subject clearly demonstrated that they have a great mix of both logical skills and compassionate tendencies. This is surely an advantage because having to deal with the risk and threat of death (of patients) brings a very difficult and emotional burden when having to deal with families. For that reason, this subject is very well suited for their position of being a home care provider to elderly folks.
Finally, this subject would be placed well in working with a small team with others. Clearly, they have the capacity and organizational skills to handle projects, deal with different types of people and effectively make different types of calls depending on the circumstances that are involved. The fields of technology, healthcare, and social services are the best fit.
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