Covey, S. R. (2006). Servant leadership. Leadership Excellence, 23(12), 5-6. Retrieved from
In this article, the author talks about leadership style and that by respecting and empowering employees, then employee motivation will increase. He focuses on the inspiration a leader can provide. He also defines servant leadership and how the power of affirmation impacts the organization.
Karlins, M. & Hargis, E. (1988). Beyond leadership: The human factor in leadership. Management Solutions, 33(8).
The authors in this article talk about leadership from the perspective of love, enthusiasm, and dedication. This spells out the word LEAD. They define the terms and how they apply to leadership within organizations. The point out that leadership is not just directing people, but also transforming them.
Seligamn, M. & Csikzentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5-14.
In this article, the authors talk about the field of positive psychology and the impact on organizations. The authors discuss a method that organizations can use to help increase well-being and resilience; for the individual and the organization. They also have a discussion on the importance of positive psychology and authenticity.
Toure-Tillery, M. & Fishback, A. (2011). The course of motivation. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 414-423.
The authors in the article discuss consumer motivation and ways to increase motivation. They also focus on setting goals.
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