Management ultimately fosters a work environment that is both sensitive to the needs of its employees and expedient in the process of work. Because of the complex nature of these demands, managerial efforts can run into a variety of issues such as an awareness of multicultural and ethnical differences that may affect some employees to conflicts that arise within the workplace despite the efforts to quell them. As the leader of a group of people, a manager would perform most effectively by being both knowledgeable about their individual employee and capable of understanding and communicating with them effectively about potential issues. Essentially, management issues are those that influence the capability of an organization, and the satisfaction of its employees is integral to maintaining a successful work environment.
Being knowledgeable and sympathetic to the plight of workers who may have cultural differences is certainly a requirement. For example, if there were to be a ban on jewelry set in a company, it should be communicated that the ban is not one that takes place at all times for those who follow religions or cultural practices that dictate the value of jewelry in regards to, say, marriage (Daft, 2011). A widespread ban would only serve to antagonize workers, whereas clear and effective communication might result in the employees agreeing to terms that the jewelry must not be worn while they are their stations.
In sum, management must be sure to provide noticeable compensation and properly reward employees whose performance is consistently good and conversely allow for flexibility when necessary to identify potentiality. Other issues might include setting clear goals so that there is no room for error for both the employees and the management. Ultimately, when the management is not performing optimally, it is essentially inevitable that it will breed frustration within the employment and further dysfunction amongst the management.
Daft, R. L. (2011). Chapter 11. In The leadership experience (5th ed.). Mason: Thomson/South-Western.
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