Retail management is often considered both challenging and rewarding. The challenges typically arise as result of the precarious nature of the retail sector as a whole. The rewarding aspects of retail management are generally noted as there being an almost endless scope and variety of jobs available, the benefits that are associated with the retail job and flexibility in the working practices. Working in retail management can also improve one's verbal communication skills as within this capacity, there is continual contact with others.
Due to the fact that retail management differs in the types of positions that one can attain as well as the size of the company or corporation an individual works for, it is essential before considering a career in retail management to understand the imperative principles of management and the ways in which the corporate ladder can be climbed. Both assistant store managers and store management positions are deemed the first tier positions to obtain in the retail sector, as these individuals manage staff and benefit from the pros associated with the retail sector. The next step up after the store management position is usually the regional retail management position, where an individual is able to manage stores. In most discussions pertaining to retail management, the retail store owner is the highest position that one can attain. The level of involvement varies depending upon the structure of the management that has been put into place (Arnold Retail managers are the cornerstones of the companies and corporations. In alignment with Samsung's retail strategy, they can be best defined as a vital part of the retail strategy. These individuals execute the different levels of product sales, consumer marketing and other company related operations as well as keep their staff in order to the best of their ability (Chevalier and Gutsatz).
The philosophy behind working in retail management is that it is very demanding yet satisfying. There is a significant amount of room for an individual to grow with the challenges that they face as well as the amenities that they are afforded working in that particular capacity.
Works Cited
Arnold, Todd J., Robert W. Palmatier, Dhruv Grewal, and Arun Sharma. "Understanding Retail Managers’ Role in the Sales of Products and Services." Journal of Retailing85.2 (2009): 129-144. Print.
Chevalier, Michel, and Michel Gutsatz. Luxury Retail Management: How the World's Top Brands Provide Quality Product and Service Support. ebook. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Print.
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