As a nurse, I am interested in all facets of wellness for patient health. Since heart disease is a number one killer of populations, the importance of heart health interests me. Understanding the necessity of cardiac sonography for mitral valve prolapse is very important for patient and health care provider education. The target audience is inclusive to nurses, nursing students, and heart patients with the propensity for mitral valve prolapse. A healthy mitral valve allows blood to flow into the left ventricle from the left atrium and then closes tightly. This occurs during diastole, and opens because of the increase in pressure as the left atrium fills with blood. In the left ventricle, while the pressure increases, the mitral valve then opens in order to allow the flow of blood through to the left ventricle. The end of diastole occurs with an atrial contraction and 20 % of blood transferred is ejected (Iaizzo, 2015). MVP is caused by a damaged mitral valve. When the valve is damaged and the heart contracts, the flap(s) may collapse back towards the atrium letting blood leak into this area and may cause a murmur or regurgitation.
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