There are two sections of etiology concerning ectopic pregnancy: the quality of the fertilized ovum and the integrity of the oviduct. Listed are the issues that can arise from the oviduct, as well as issues from the ovum quality. Symptoms generally develop between 4 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, thereby increasing a mother's decision to abort. Vaginal bleeding can be a normal part of pregnancy but is worth mentioning to the doctor. Bleeding resulting from ectopic pregnancy will be brown and watery. Stomach pain can occur low on one side, and there can also be pain where the shoulder meets the arm. Going to the bathroom can also be uncomfortable. It can be difficult to diagnose ectopic pregnancy, due to the fact that many women do not display symptoms or their symptoms can be confused for other issues. One must also take care when examining a patient, especially if choosing to push on the abdominal area. It is generally recommended to avoid doing so.
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