In the process of creating this change initiative, I discovered that there were unanticipated legal and ethical components that the project needed to comply with (Polit & Beck, 2014). Based on feedback from the interdisciplinary team, I made received the recommendations and made needed adjustments. It was initially anticipated that things could be completed more quickly than they actually were. I did not have a full understanding of how integrating an interdisciplinary team, and accounting for their schedules would require me to adjust my original timelines, but this is the future of nursing and I must adapt (Giuliante et al., 2018). The timeline represented in this table (Appendix I) shifted several times as these new changes were integrated into the overall project timeline. It is anticipated that the numerous participants in this program from interdisciplinary areas in the organization may not fully deliver the discharge planning intervention in the way envisioned in this change proposal. Therefore, an iterative process, similar to plan, do, study, act (PDSA) will be required in order to make adjustments to the delivery of the discharge planning during the intervention period (Donnelly & Kirk, 2015).
(Full template and references omitted for preview. Available via download).
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