Ethics: Ethical Relativism

The following sample Philosophy essay is 1236 words long, in MLA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 772 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

The present reason for principles is a matter of preference, personal taste, whatever works for me, and pleasure is due to the ego. The average person wants to rise to the top for the wealth and the power that wealth creates. No one wants to work hard to barely make enough to keep one’s head above water. No one who has a choice to pick an easy life over an arduous life is willing to sacrifice happiness for goodness sake. People prefer pleasure so although one’s actions may be unethical it boils down to whatever works for me based on my personal taste and no one else matters.

The reason why morality is not a matter of whatever works for me, preference, personal taste, and pleasure is because some people have a moral compass rose which directs that person to not be self-centered. There are people who prefer to put other people happiness before one’s own happiness. People do not want to bend corners to make everything work for them, but instead to work hard and earn everything.

Circumstances change and our responses to any occurrence may differ as time moves on and people mature and decide to change the way that one responds and reacts to certain circumstances. Contrary, some people are not designed to change for the better. People are afraid of change and some are tolerant to relearn the same lesson over and over again to infinity.

The blend of culture has evolved especially for women whom at one point was better seen and not heard and only allowed to work in the kitchen. The equality amongst the genders is better than in the past generations. The one drawback is that people are closed minded and do not desire to learn about different cultures and behaviors. People have been taught from childhood that there can only be one real religion and any other religion is from the devil.

People are programmed from childhood to know what is right or wrong in their parent’s eyes. For example, society social conditioning want’s girls to play with red toys and boys to play with blue toys. Society teaches people to hide emotions. The issue with the norms is that the norms usually are not morally sound. The norms are not healthy either. For example, hiding emotions may look better in public but in the long term suppressing emotions will cause more damage to health, mind, and spirit.

Defining Good

People define what each individual person believes is morally sound once that person experience life and make their own decisions. The only issue with deciding what is wrong or right is that one may have experienced bad situations in life that will cloud that person’s perspectives and form a reality disconnect which leads to faculty moral values.

Darwinism defines that basically, the strongest survive. The truth is that in order to past through the obstacles of life one has to be strong enough to survive the bumps in the road. The problem with Darwinism is to assume that the strongest survivor also has morals. The survivor might have tricked everyone else into giving the survivor the chance to survive.

The culture defines the moral value of human life. The developing culture is more popular and easier to follow rather right or wrong. The issue with the culture-defining the moral value is that the culture may not believe in having standards or morals instead to be cutthroat and volatile to get ahead in life.

People are all equal in that each man or woman boy or girl has to put on their pants one leg at a time. The people with more wealth are looked at as more superior because wealthy people can buy anything that person needs or wants. The issue with looking at other people as superior is that no one is perfect and some people are better than others with hiding internal problems. 

God and Duties

God exists because everyone feels a higher being that has the ability to control what happens when it happens, and how it happens. The reason why people doubt the existence of God is because people cannot explain what that person cannot see. People have been taught from childhood to believe in God and went to church every other day, but because of the politics surrounding the church when church leaders abuse their authority drive some people to believe that if any type of misleading person could lead the church then God must not be real. 

The fact that some people have had very hard lives also explains why some people do not believe in God. The fact that God does not make anyone worship God is another reason why people do not believe that God exists. The examples in the Bible prove that with God’s actual presence people still did not live holy lives that were deemed acceptable in God’s sight. The fact is to commit one sin is to be guilty of all the sins which mean that no individual can judge another. People continue to sin does not mean that God does not exist. The Bible states that the devil was thrown down from heaven to remain on earth with free range to shift like wheat any person that the devil chooses. 

The proof of the existence of God is only revealed to those that are called by God to truly and absolutely believe in God. The Bible states that a true believer will not lean unto that person’s own understanding, but believe in the existence of God and God’s holy words written in the Bible. People do not understand why the wind blows but that does not stop people from believing that the wind exists. The Bible was not compiled by people who were inspired by God. The Bible is not a history, math, science, or medical book. The Bible is a book that one reads to have a better understanding of God’s nature. The Bible is read to be an example of how not to make the same mistakes that other people have made in the past. The Bible is not supposed to be used to emotionally beat people up or make people feel guilty for living a sinner’s life. The Bible is meant to help people get closer to God spiritually. 

In the end one day every individual person will have to give an account of that person’s decisions. The fact that many great people who decided not to follow other people and the cultural norms were scolded for being different and called crazy but those same people proved to be brilliant and resilient to stand on a limb to be an individual with their own intellectual mind. 

The norm has a cattle effect. The norm is like zombie state of not thinking for one’s self and just following the herd blindly. The average American does not hold a college education so why would one look at the norm as anything else as a changing trend. Majority of the time the norm is a good gauge of what not to do. The norm status and trying to fit in is one sure way of living a miserable life. The norm is not always a good way to go because everybody is different and what works for one person may not work for another person the same way.