Given the theory of multiple intelligences, the more aware students are about their own intelligence/learning style, the more effective they can assimilate and cognitively and the best study practices that will expand personal learning. While some people fall under the verbal/linguistic and/or logical/mathematics intelligence, I follow the visual/spatial and music/rhythmic intelligences. Individuals with a visual/spatial intelligence usually process information quicker when exposed to images, as opposed to pure black on white text. Since not every concept might be fully supported by images, one of the best learning practices is to actively engage in the lecture by processing the information through images to the brain. For instance, instead of remembering that hyperbole is the exaggeration of the truth, creating an enormous and overly exaggerated mental picture of a giant peach, as in the novel “James and the Giant Peach” by Roald Dahl would better retain information in my brain. Additionally, while reading, I would highlight, use colorful post-its, and draw a diagram on flash-cards correlating to the concepts; thus, creating a higher degree of cognitive processing (Gardner, Jewler, & Barefoot, 2011, p. 137). The combination of my visual/spatial intelligence with that of my music/rhythmic would result in an image with a tune that would allow me to over-learn concepts and store them in my long term memory. For instance, remembering the song/tune that was playing while reading about a certain topic is more likely to store information in my long term memory. Implementing these practices is more likely to assist me in learning and earning respectable grades.
Gardner, J. N., Jewler, A. J., & Barefoot, B. O. (2011). Learning to study, comprehend, and remember. Your college experience: strategies for success (9th ed., p. 137). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's.
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