Christian Principles

The following sample Religion paper is 1150 words long, in unknown format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 760 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

I. Introduction

There are many important aspects for us to follow if we are to be dutiful and good Christians. During this course, we have spent a lot of time learning about these aspects and how each one will affect us as Christians and as human beings. Following God’s teachings in such a dedicated, and thoughtful way takes a great deal of wisdom and knowledge as well as plenty of determination. There is a great deal of work that goes into a person’s development as a good Christian and it is a lifetime of following God’s teachings and dealing with bumps in the road with wisdom and kindness. It is very important that Christians today truly work to embody God’s will and teachings through character development, walking the Christian walk, so that they may go on to teach others through instruction on any scale.

II. Character Development

One of the most difficult things about being a good Christian in the modern world is the amount of doubt and temptation that there seems to be every single day. However, as good Christians, we must remember to watch ourselves very carefully. In the 2002 book “Cultivating Christian Character,” by Michael Zigarelli, he writes: “it’s not an automatic cause-and-effect, of course, but the principle is a useful one… we tend to be more attentive to the things whose progress we track” (19). When we keep track of our own lives, and emerge ourselves in God’s word and follow His understanding, we will be able to truly monitor what a positive turn character will take once it is Christian.

The Bible tells us many important things about developing ourselves into the Christians that God expects us to be. Reading and understanding His teachings are a crucial step in character development for Christians. Proverbs 14:8 tells us: “The wisdom of the prudent is to give careful thought to their ways.” Corinthians 13:5 then goes on to tell us: “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves” (Corinthians 13:5). The Bible itself, without having to mark pages and verses, is a key part of developing good Christian characters. It is the wise word of God and will work its wonders in time.

There are a few very important aspects of developing ourselves into this important Christian Character that God has dictated for us to be. Be strong in your faith, be kind to others, and be mindful of others – believers and nonbelievers alike. Christians should honor God and the bible as though these things will give them all that they need to live a good, long life: and, as such, they will. Master the art of “maintaining a grateful disposition” (Zigarelli). Christians, becoming immersed in God’s word and praying daily helps to build confidence in many aspects of our lives. This confidence allows us to live in the truth, in a truly Godly life, and engage others in the warmth of the Lord.

III. Teaching and Instruction

Christians, having accepted the word of God as ultimate truth and a guide to living well should reach out to others as well. The Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church LeadershipDevelopment tells Christians that “we are blessed to be a blessing… out of these priorities, we can take God’s Word and contextualize it to the streets and to the direct needs of the people, so they can come to the knowledge of our Lord” (2013).To be a truly effective leader in your church and your community, whether or not you assume such a position, there are certain things that you must remember as a Christian to teach others about the word of God. Be a learner, have the maturity, have perseverance and let go of your fears of failure. However, another point is brought up in the article ‘Biblical Leadership;” it remarks that “leadership is not being strong-willed, rather having a strong sense of purpose that is centered upon God” (2013). One of the most important aspects of being a leader for God is to simply be a follower. Following the word of god and the love and acceptance of Jesus as our Lord is key to leading others to His grace.

The book of Acts helps to teaches Christians about how much God needs for us to teach his Word. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) present the blessed being of Jesus Christ and His great work of redemption, His resurrection and ascension to glory as the solid foundation upon which Christianity is built. The Acts is a continuation of the work of Jesus Christ, but in His servants, by the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven (Grant). the bible tells us much about spreading the word of God onto the world and teaching His goodness and wisdom. 1 Peter 4:10 says: “As every man hath received grace, ministering the same one to another: as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” Wisdom 6:1-7 says: “Wisdom is better than strength, and a wise man is better than a strong man.”

Whether or not a person chooses to become a religious leader, a professor or even a Sunday School instructor in their church, it is still our job as good Christians to tell people, in kindness, that God is powerful and good. Although God alone determines who will receive his warming grace, as Christians, we should make sure to shower the rest of the world with this love that we know so well. The love and comfort of God are truly a remarkable feeling andpeople all over the world should be able to see themselves find salvation. Nonbelievers and believers alike deserve God’s love and wisdom. It is important for Christians to put their best foot forward to teach others the word of the Lord, with wisdom and kindness.

VI. Conclusion

There are many practices in a Christian’s life, and in the life of the church. These things lead a Christian to an honorable, Godly life and allow them to be fully engaged in God’s word. They can be easily summarized into character development and teaching and instruction because these two concepts are the pinnacle in understanding God’s word. Through all things that life brings a Christian will develop their true character, connect that to God’s understanding of the world and they will finally be able to live a full and accomplished life in the grace of the Lord. It is important to develop a good Christian character and moving on to share this with others. It will help your understanding and confirmation of God’s will as well as spreading that glorious belief with others.

Works Cited

“Biblical Leadership.” The Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development.2013. Web. 31 Oct 2013. <

Grant, Leslie. “Commentary on the book of Acts.” Bible Centre. 2006. Web. 31 Oct 2013.<

Zigarelli, Michael. Cultivated Christian Character. Fairfax, Virginia: Xulon Books, 2002. Print.