In 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were established by 189 United Nations countries. These were established to achieve 8 measurable goals for the purpose of achieving worldwide good health and well-being practices. These were given a goal directive date of 2015. They were somewhat effective as they did realize goal #1; however, the MDGs were heavily critiqued for not being effective as they were considered uneven (The Millennium Development Goals, 2012).
Recognizing that the MDGs were not being met, the United Nations decided that since all throughout the world there are various individuals who do not have the basic resources they need to live., new goals must be established. In 2012, the UN gathered for a conference to develop more realistic goals and the17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established.
Last year the International Association for Community Development warned that without community development, that is, bottom-up, community-led initiatives driving the outcomes hoped for in the SDNs, they too may be ineffective (and a waste of money, time and resources) (From MDGs to SDGs, N.d.)
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