Social Value of V for Vendetta

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In our current culture, the media has as much, and some will argue, more influence towards our value system than other institutions. Many recent movies fall within this category of influential media that dictates social attitudes and perpetuates societal change. V for Vendetta is a movie that touches on a multitude of social concerns in the USA, and the world, over the last decade, and has great social value. The movie had artistic value as well, but much more than that, it had significant and important social value. Media can cover a wide range of platforms and movies and television have become increasingly influential over the last century. Social values define a group’s moral code and how they view right and wrong within their society. Ethical decision making is a core part of defining social values. It is important to note that social value systems do change from country to country and culture to culture. Ethical decisions, integrity and doing the right thing are many times at odds with each other within a society.

It is an understatement to say that television and movies go a long way towards influencing our definitions of value. V for Vendetta is an example of a movie that reconciles a situation when society has to resolve the conflict between its beliefs in doing the right thing as defined by social norms, with making decisions that are a matter of integrity. The social value to society that this movie brings up is poignant because it is no simple task to touch on important social and political concerns of today’s age, let alone do so in an entertaining and memorable manner.

Movies can bring to light concerns and fears generally reserved for individuals involved directly with the matter. This exposure brought on by a movie gives those fears, concerns, and events a much wider audience that can start to make decisions on topics they were never concerned with before the movie. V for Vendetta is a perfect example of a movie that has social value through its ability to touch on so many hot topic concerns for the modern age that it is impossible to not stress the importance of the movie. Throughout the movie viewers are faced with issues ranging from political corruption, genocide, totalitarianism, as well as the suppression of will in a dystopian society. These issues are juxtapositioned aside the main character and supporting characters who do not know if it is ethical to follow the rules or break and bend them to do the “right” thing.

Given today’s political climate of blurry lines, it is evident that even though this movie is 8 years old, it continues to be relevant. Society values courage, and V for Vendetta was full of characters that battled for integrity and doing what they felt was the best for society. This type of courage is not necessarily looked at favorable at all times. It is for this reason mainly that there is social value to this movie and its message. It is encouraging and illuminating to have a movie give society a reminder every now and then that doing the right thing may sometimes require one to do what is seen as the wrong thing, and the social value of that is immeasurable.

V for Vendetta is a movie that has entertainment value and talented writers, actors, and producers. While so many movies have this with no substantial plotline and social value, V for Vendetta has all of the above as well as relevancy to current society. Its social value is derived from its ability to be relevant and open the eyes of its viewers. This movie makes a viewer ask questions, and that always has social value.

Work Cited

V for Vendetta. Directed by Joe Silver, and Grant Hill, Perf. Natalie Portman. 2005. 2005.