Selecting a Framework for a Persuasive Speech

The following sample Speech essay is 425 words long, in APA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 1182 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

One organizational framework for persuasive speeches is the statement of reasons form which is effective for topics and audiences that require a straight forward, linear approach. This particular framework is different from others because it states the argument directly, without refutation and with a strong emphasis on the order of the arguments. The statement of reasons persuasive organizational form is defined by Verderber’s The Challenge of Effective Speaking (2010) as a “straightforward organization in which you present your best-supported reasons in a meaningful order” (p. 300). This means that in a speech that has five main persuasive points the most effective points will be made later in the speech with the last point being the strongest and most effective. One benefit of using this organizational form is that it can be most effective for an audience that needs a clear, direct argument without the complications of refutation. Another benefit is that a speech with a short time allowance can still present the information efficiently while leaving the audience with an emotional response. A possible negative of using the statement of reasons is that it may over-simplify the topic; it does not address the opposing argument. When selecting the most effective organizational structure for a speech, the speaker must be mindful of the topic and of the audience. It's also beneficial to begin with a speech outline and then flesh out the various topics within the outline.

When selecting the organizational method for a speech, statement of reasons works well when the speaker is using pathos to persuade the audience. In this example, I want the audience to believe that offering better free or low-cost mental health care will reduce crime rates. Firstly, many people who have mental illnesses are either misdiagnosed or aren’t receiving treatment. Secondly, the crime rates (of misdemeanors) for people who are suffering a mental health condition are higher if the individuals are not being treated for their illness (“Facts about Mental Illness”, 2013). Thirdly, with one in three people having a mental illness, chances are many crimes can be avoided if proper treatment is offered to the mentally ill. With these reasons clearly explained and supported and ending the speech with an emotional appeal, I hope to persuade the audience that action needs to be taken to support the mentally ill and to reduce crime.

Works Cited

Facts about mental illness and violence. (n.d.). UW Departments- Social Work. Retrieved September 24, 2013, from

Verderber, R. F. (2012). Informative and Persuasive Speaking. The challenge of effective speaking (pp. 300-302). Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co. (Original work published 1970)