Illegal Immigration

The following sample Speech speech is 1225 words long, in MLA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 630 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

1. Attention:

The topic of illegal immigration often stirs much controversy in the United States. With statistics showing that a surge in illegal immigrants trafficking across the border, it is becoming a trend that cannot be ignored. Reportedly, “a significant increase in illegal immigrants crossing along the southwest border” are being documented with 192,298 arrests made this year, which is actually up 13 percent as opposed to 170,223 arrested in 2012 (Jeunesse, Fox News). As such, more citizens are becoming concerned with the slew of side-effects that accompany illegal immigration as its entrance into the daily lives of Americans is becoming more pervasive and constant. Due to the many issues and problems that illegal immigration brings to America, it is safe to say that preventive and heightened security measures should be adopted to bar illegal immigrants from accessing the United States.

2. Transition:

While illegal immigration has been argued by many to be a phenomenon that propels economic growth for the economy of a country, it has proven to be a costly affair to the United States in many aspects – leading to the need for reform and tighter enforcement of immigration policy faculties in the government.

3. Problems:

Illegal immigration negatively affects the safety, socio-economical, political, and legal enforcement of the United States of America. One of the most concerned effects that illegal immigration has on the population of the United States is the way in which economic opportunities and resources are being consumed by individuals who did not migrate to the U.S. on a legal basis. Resources that otherwise could have been designated for education or healthcare is instead being spent on border security and immigration enforcement, with some going toward social welfare programs that are benefiting illegal immigrant parents of whom had children in the United States (Krammer 2). Illegal immigration not only affects the economics of the United States, it also creates discord amongst groups on a social and political plateau. In general, illegal immigration disintegrates the very essence of freedom, safety, security, and the pursuit of economic opportunity in the society of the United States.

A. Illegal immigration creates rifts and tensions between existing social structures and heightens discrimination against racial groups. It was found that about four in five of the nation’s estimated 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants are of Hispanic origin (Lopez, Taylor, & Morin, ii). There are approximately 47 million Latinos, and 19 percent of these figures are unauthorized. It was found that more than 36 percent of native Latinos believe that discrimination arises from a perception in immigration status

a. This phenomenon created rifts as more than 61 percent of Latinos say that discrimination against Hispanics is a major problem at an all-time high, up from 54 percent in 2007.

b. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that a “substantial” percentage of America’s illegal population is made up of visa overstays

c. — their estimates range from 27 to 57 percent, which affects and creates a barrier in the country’s ability to attract qualified and good potential immigrants from other countries

B. Drainage and competition for resources and monetary support from the government for the benefit and oversight of illegal immigration pose another challenge that opposes such activities in the United States.

a. A “record” number of deportations that surpass the performance of earlier administrations. In December 2012, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had removed nearly 410,000 illegal aliens that year (Vaughan, 1).

i. It was discovered that ICE is doing less enforcement with more resources, as ICE agents pursued deportation of 20 percent fewer aliens this year than last (Vaughan, 2).

b. It was estimated and found by Hayworth and Eule that the “cost of illegal immigration to Arizona taxpayers about 1.6 billion a year,” which translates to about $700 each Arizona resident due to the hidden tax that subsidizes illegal aliens and those who hire them (3).

c. In California, it was estimated that benefits as much as 54 million dollars, including $20 million in CalWorks benefits, are paid out to 100,000 children of illegal immigrant parents (Krammer, 2).

C. Security, freedom, and the very essence of legal rule become compromised in the pursuit of immigration enforcement in tracing and obtaining the illegal aliens crossing the border.

a. Prosecutorial discretion exercised by ICE field officers has violated the basic right and freedom of the American people.

i. Prosecutorial discretion gives ICE field officers the power to conduct checks randomly on suspects, violating individual freedom and a multitude of other rights of Americans

ii. Double jeopardy - if the alien that ICE field officers decline to remove goes on to commit a heinous act, they could be subject to lawsuits from victims and will be held accountable by their own agency.

b. According to Hayworth and Eule, illegal immigration invasion has, in a particular case, “devastated communities, ruined the environment, overwhelmed the border patrol, and tested the patience and pocketbooks of citizens” (1).

i. A violent case broke out when human trafficking gangs rolled out a shootout against rival gang on the I-10 interstate in southern Arizona.

ii. Security, hence, has been threatened and compromised for the American people. Such blatant violation of the law and disregard for the security of the people has violated the fourth article of the United States’ Constitution, Article 4, which states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republic Form of Government, and shall protect them against Invasion” (Hayworth & Eule, 1).

4. Solution:

A reformation in the regulatory processes of illegal immigration enforcement action, without the need for legislative changes, can improve the existing system from the cumbersome and dysfunctional elements practiced in the United States today.

a. ICE should take into consideration restricting voluntary returns and expanding the use of regular expedited removal proceedings.

i. By barring aliens convicted of crime the privilege of voluntary return, ICE field officers can free up time from focusing on criminals and further resources expended to criminal prosecution for immigration violations after reentry (Reasoner, 12).

ii. Expediting removal proceedings, on the other hand, would ensure that lesser alien offenders are not given the opportunity to depart voluntarily, and yet at the same time do not tie up finite court resources and detention spaces (Reasoner, 12).

iii. Finally, ICE should cut down on the number of paperwork filings needed in order to initiate and enforce removal proceedings, while making sure to promptly complete the rulemaking process in an expedient fashion to avoid possible fraudulent behavior on the part of attorneys (Reasoner, 3-12).

Works Cited

Hayworth, J D, and Joe Eule. Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security, and the War on Terror. Washington, DC: Regnery Pub, 2006. Print.

Jeunesse, W L. "Stats show surge in illegal immigrant border traffic despite Napolitano claims."Fox News. N.p., 4 Apr. 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.

Krammer, J. California, Illegal Immigration, and the Damaged Social Contract on Immigration. Center for Immigration Studies, 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.

Lopez, M H., P. Taylor, and R. Morin. "Illegal Immigration Backlash Worries, Divides Latinos."Pew Hispanic Center - Chronicling Latinos Diverse Experiences in a Changing America. Pew Research Center, 28 Oct. 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.

Reasoner, W D. "Deportation Basics." Center for Immigration Studies. N.p., July 2011. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.

Vaughan, J. Deportation Numbers Unwrapped. Center for Immigration Studies, 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.