Radical Strategy: War on Terror

The following sample Terrorism Studies article review is 372 words long, in APA format, and written at the undergraduate level. It has been downloaded 869 times and is available for you to use, free of charge.

Mary Habeck’s (2004) article on the War on Terror identifies radical strategies that are used by terrorists to achieve their goals. Habeck focuses on Muslim fundamentalist terrorists who she refers to as jihadis. Her thesis is that the attacks that are conducted by these jihadis are not random acts of violence rather they serve a purpose to further their terrorist cause. Habeck outlines the various strategies that are used by these terrorists that at time resemble military strategies used by countries. The radical strategies used by the jihadis serve to demonstrate why the US is struggling in their War on Terror.

Habeck refers to the main strategy that unifies the various jihadi groups as the grand strategy. This strategy could be considered the guiding vision for all those in Muslim extremist terrorist groups like ISIS. The grand strategy states the Nation of Islam will be restored by defeating its enemies. Who the enemies are and how they can be defeated is not clearly outlined in the strategy. This makes the strategy effective as any radical decision or act can be justified in that it was committed to serve the Nation of Islam, and the movement is spreading. Leaders of jihadi groups can create an army of followers who are religious and will commit acts as long as they believe that it will further their religious cause. While there is a grand strategy that exists for all groups, specific strategies that define the actions they will take are not established. Therefore, each jihadi group will take it upon themselves to attack the targets they consider to be the worst threat. These groups can vary from the West, Jews to Hindus in their own country. The lack of clear target and specific military goals make Jihadi terrorists difficult to track and defend against. The radical strategy’s grand vision and lack of clear military guidelines allow the groups to be successful in reigning terror against their enemies. Through understanding these strategies, Western nations can attempt to build improved strategies to combat a group that can be difficult to track and persuade to take on peaceful actions.


Habeck, M. R. (2004). Jihadist strategies in the War on Terrorism. Heritage Foundation.